Super Teacher Worksheets

Compare and Contrast

This page contains a large collection of compare and contrast graphic organizers, articles, activities, and worksheets.

Compare and Contrast Worksheets

Graphic Organizers

Use this Venn diagram to compare and contrast two items, people, events, or topics.
Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Venn Diagram (No Lines) Free Graphic Organizers Worksheet
English and Spanish Versions Available
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This version of the Venn diagram has lines for students to write on.
2nd through 5th Grades
Venn Diagram (With Lines) Graphic Organizers Worksheet
This Venn diagram has three circles for comparing/contrasting three different topics.
2nd through 5th Grades
Triple Circle Venn Graphic Organizers Worksheet
Are you tired of using Venns for compare and contrast? Try the double bubble map instead!
Double Bubble Map Graphic Organizers Worksheet

Reading Passages

Read the compare and contrast article about dolphins and porpoises. This article includes a question page, a graphic organizer, and a vocabulary worksheet.
3rd through 5th Grades
Dolphins and Porpoises Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This article highlights the similarities and difference between boas and pythons. After reading the article, students answer the comprehension questions and complete the Venn diagram.
3rd through 5th Grades
Boas and Pythons: Compare/Contrast Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This non-fiction passage explains the differences between alligators and crocodiles. Several comprehension questions follow the article.
3rd through 5th Grades
Alligators and Crocodiles: Compare/Contrast Reading Comprehension Worksheet
How can you tell the difference between frogs and toads? Students will find out when they read this fascinating animal article.
3rd and 4th Grades
Frogs and Toads: Compare/Contrast Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Learn about the similarities and differences between moths and butterflies. A page of comprehension questions are included.
3rd through 5th Grades
Moths and Butterflies: Compare/Contrast Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This cute story describes two people: Tall Mary and Short Harry. Compare and contrast the two characters, then answer the questions that follow.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Tall Mary & Short Harry: Compare/Contrast Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Compare two delicious, tropical, yellow fruits: bananas and pineapples. Read the passage and then answer four comprehension questions.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Bananas and Pineapples Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Would you rather visit the beach or climb a mountain? These two paragraphs highlight the similarities and differences.
2nd Grade
Beach/Mountain: Compare/Contrast 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Carroll Diagrams

Use these printable Carroll diagrams to sort shapes, pictures, and numbers.


Students read a book and movie with the same title. Then they compare and contrast the two. This project includes short answer questions, essay questions, and a Venn diagram.
5th through 7th Grades
Book vs. Movie Compare Contrast Worksheet

Creature Features

Compare and contrast the two creatures shown. This version has primary-ruled lines for students in grades K through 2.
Creature Feature #1 (Primary) Compare Contrast Worksheet
Compare and contrast the two creatures shown. Use a Venn diagram, then write a written comparison. This version has intermediate-ruled lines for students in grades 3 through 5.
Creature Feature #1 (Intermediate) Compare Contrast Worksheet
Color the creatures, then compare and contrast them. This version was written specially for younger students in grades K through 2.
Creature Feature #2 (Primary) Compare Contrast Worksheet
Color the creatures, then compare them on the graphic organizer. After that, use the information on the organizer to write a written comparison. This version was created for students in grades 3 through 5.
Creature Feature #2 (Intermediate) Compare Contrast Worksheet
Color, compare, and contrast. This worksheet is recommended for students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Creature Feature #3 (Primary) Compare Contrast Worksheet
Color the unusual creatures in the illustration. Then compare and contrast them on a graphic organizer and in essay form. Recommended for students in grades 3 through 5.
Creature Feature #3 (Intermediate) Compare Contrast Worksheet


Read each sentence and tell if it's making a comparison between two things, if it's contrasting two things, or both.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Compare and Contrast Sentences Compare Contrast Worksheet

Blank Venn Diagrams

Use this large blank Venn diagram template to show similarities and differences between two items or concepts. This version has no lines for writing.
1st through 8th Grades
Large Blank Venn Diagram Template Graphic Organizers Worksheet
This page has 6 blank Venn diagrams. These work well for writing short words or phrases.
1st through 8th Grades
6 Blank Venn Diagrams Worksheet
Here's a large Venn diagram with three large circles for more complex sorts.
5th through 8th Grades
Triple Circle Venn Graphic Organizers Worksheet
See also:
Main Idea Worksheets

S.T.W. also has worksheets for teaching students about main idea in reading and writing.

Graphic Organizers

Download writing webs, t-charts, concept wheels, and more.

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

We have hundreds of reading comprehension worksheets for all elementary grade levels.

Venn Diagrams (Math)

This page has a series of Venn diagrams for teaching math concepts.

Sample Worksheet Images

Compare and Contrast Worksheets

Compare-Contrast Worksheets and Articles

Printable Compare-Contrast Worksheets

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