Classroom Newsletter (Generator)Create your own custom classroom newsletters. Choose a layout, and your favorite theme. Then enter your own content.
Calendar (Generator)Make your own custom calendar. Choose a month and year, then enter holidays, birthdays, and other important days.
Students will love the superheroes that decorate this weekly homework agenda page.
Kids will laugh at the cute robots that decorate this homework agenda page.
This half-sized agenda (two per page) features friendly dinosaur pictures.
Here's another half-sized agenda page with pictures of fish.
This is a simple, no-frills agenda page with days of the week listed on it.
This student desk tag features printed letters, a number line, and left-right hand prints.
This student desk tag features a cursive alphabet, a globe, a multiplication table, and fraction strips.
These desk name tags have fish pictures on them.
These desk tags have superheroes on them.
These desk tags have robots on them.
These desk tags have dinosaurs on them.
Affix these five-minute interval tabs to your classroom clock to help kids learn to tell time. Tabs read :05, :10, :15, :20, :25, etc.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
This printable has advanced triangular time tabs. Tabs read five to, ten to, quarter to, o'clock, five after, ten after, quarter after, etc.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Tape these oval-shaped tabs around your classroom clock. Tabs have numbers in five-minute intervals, such as :05, :10, :15, :20, etc.
1st through 3rd Grades
These advanced oval tabs read: quarter to, quarter after, half past, ten after, twenty to, five after, etc.
1st through 3rd Grades
What does being kind mean to you? Students will answer that, provide examples, and more with this important character trait worksheet.
1st through 4th Grades
This anchor chart is perfect for teaching students about what it means to be kind. It includes examples of what is and isn't kind, characteristics that mean being kind, and more.
Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Teach your students about being respectful with this worksheet. Students will answer what it means to be respectful, write several characteristics about it, draw a picture, and provide examples of what it means--and doesn't mean!--to be respectful.
1st through 4th Grades
Teach your students what it means to be respectful with this colorful anchor chart. A black-and-white version is available by clicking the ALT button below.
Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Students will fill in this worksheet to answer what it means to be responsible. They'll fill in several characteristics that mean being responsible, draw a picture, and provide examples.
1st through 4th Grades
Give your students concrete examples of what it means to be responsible and help them really understand the concept with this eye-catching anchor chart.
Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Use this sheet to collect important contact information for parents and guardians at open house.
This form is perfect for parents to fill out at the beginning of the year. This sheet includes a space for parent contact information.
Kindergarten to 5th Grade
Have parents or guardians fill out this handy sheet at open house or parents' night so you can get to know their child through their eyes.
Here is another helpful document to have parents fill out so you know how students are expected to get to and from school.
Use this printout to collect contact information from parents and guardians who may be interested in volunteering in your classroom.
Printable Subject CoversPrintable subject covers for binders, folders, and notebooks. Subjects include: reading, math, science, social studies, and more!
Monthly Calendars for KidsCalendars that your students can fill in and color.
Printable AwardsLots of award certificates you can use to recognize behavior, achievement, good character traits.
Printable Sticker Charts for KidsUse these fun sticker charts to track reading progress, homework assignments, or student goals.
Reminder WristbandsThis page has printable reminder bracelets for students. Help them remember to bring back overdue library books, complete late assignments, or bring lunch money to school.