Super Teacher Worksheets

Decimal Addition & Subtraction Worksheets

Add and subtract decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths place values. Check out the free worksheets or join STW to access all content!

Decimal Addition and Subtraction Worksheets


Solve twelve decimal addition problems. All problems contain whole numbers or decimals with a tenths place only. Students write each problem vertically and find the sums on this free worksheet.
4th through 6th Grades
Add Decimals: Tenths Free Worksheet
Common Core
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This worksheet contains a dozen subtraction problems. Students re-write each problem vertically and solve. All problems contain whole numbers or decimals with a tenths place.
4th through 6th Grades
Subtract Decimals: Tenths Worksheet
This printable includes a mix of addition and subtraction problems for students to solve. Each problem needs to be re-written vertically and students must line up the columns properly.
5th Grade
Add & Subtract: Tenths Decimals Worksheet
Balance each scale by adding and subtracting basic decimal numbers.
4th through 6th Grades
Decimal Balance Scales Decimals Worksheet
Match up shapes with decimal numbers, then add them together.
4th through 6th Grades
Shape Math (Add Decimals; Tenths) Worksheet
These decimal addition problems were not solved correctly. Explain the mistakes you see. Then solve to find the correct sum.
4th through 6th Grades
Find the Mistakes (Addition) Worksheet
Look very carefully at these subtraction (tenths) problems and search for errors in the solutions.
3rd through 5th Grades
Find the Mistakes (Subtraction) Worksheet
Practice decimal operations including addition and subtraction to tenths using bar models in this printable math activity.
4th through 6th Grades
Adding and Subtracting to Tenths with Bar Models Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet
Using bar models, students will find the missing value and then write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each one.
4th through 6th Grades
Addition and Subtraction with Decimals to Tenths Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet
Complete several different types of math problems with this worksheet.
4th through 6th Grades
Variety Worksheet: Decimal Addition and Subtraction (Tenths) Decimals Worksheet


Shade the correct portions of each block illustration to show the given decimal. Then add them together. Includes tenths and hundredths.
4th through 6th Grades
Add Decimals Graphically Worksheet
On this free worksheet students are given two decimal addends for each problem. They re-write them vertically and solve. All numbers are whole numbers, or are decimals which contain a tenths or hundredths place.
4th through 6th Grades
Add: Hundredths Free Decimals Worksheet
Solve a dozen subtraction problems with decimal quantities. Problems must be re-written vertically to ensure students understand the place value system.
4th through 6th Grades
Subtract: Hundredths Decimals Worksheet
This worksheet contains a mixture of addition and subtraction problems with decimal numbers. Requires students to re-write each horizontal problem in vertical notation.
5th Grade
Add & Subtract: Hundredths Decimals Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help students review and practice decimal addition and subtraction.
4th through 6th Grades
Variety Worksheet: Decimal Addition and Subtraction (Hundredths) Decimals Worksheet
Find pairs of matching polygons. Then add the decimal numbers printed inside of them.
4th through 6th Grades
Shape Addition (Decimals; Tenths & Hundredths) Worksheet
Complete each input-outbox table. All questions require students to count by quarters (example: 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, 3.25, and so on).
2nd through 4th Grades
Decimal Input-Output Boxes In Out Worksheet
These decimal addition problems (hundredths) have errors. Examine the work carefully and determine where the solver made mistakes.
4th through 6th Grades
Find the Mistakes (Addition) Worksheet
This page has subtraction problems that have already been solved. Unfortunately, there are mistakes in the solutions. Can your students find and explain the errors?
4th through 6th Grades
Find the Mistakes (Subtraction) Worksheet
Rewrite each decimal addition or subtraction problem vertically on the graph paper, then solve. The grid paper will help students line up columns correctly.
4th through 6th Grades
Grid Paper: Decimal Add Subtract Decimals Worksheet
Practice decimal operations with addition and subtraction to hundredths using bar models.
4th through 6th Grades
Adding and Subtracting to Hundredths with Bar Models Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet
Using bar models, students will practice adding and subtracting to hundredths in this printable math activity.
4th through 6th Grades
Addition and Subtraction with Decimals to Hundredths Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet


This free page contains a dozen decimal addition problems with numbers that include a thousandths place. Students re-write each problem vertically and solve.
4th through 6th Grades
Add: Thousandths Free Decimals Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help students practice decimal addition and subtraction with three decimal places.
4th through 6th Grades
Variety Worksheet: Decimal Addition and Subtraction (Thousandths) Decimals Worksheet
At the top of the page, students are shown a dozen shapes with decimal numbers in them. Students add numbers in congruent shapes. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the hexagons.
4th through 6th Grades
Decimal Shape Addition (Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths) Decimals Worksheet
Students will practice adding and subtracting to the thousandths with bar models in this printable math activity.
4th through 6th Grades
Addition and Subtraction Bar Models to Thousandths Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet
Students will practice decimal operations to the thousandths using bar models. They will find the missing value for each bar model. Then they will write an addition or subtraction number sentence for each.
4th through 6th Grades
Decimal Operations to the Thousandths with Bar Models  Mixed Addition Subtraction Worksheet
See also:
Decimal Worksheets

Worksheets for introducing decimal concepts, comparing decimals, and ordering decimals.

Multiplying Decimals

Solve multiplication problems that have decimal factors.

Dividing Decimals

This page has worksheets with decimal long division problems.

Adding Money

This page has lots of worksheets and activities on money addition.

Subtracting Money

This page has dozens of worksheets on subtracting money.

Pictures of Our Printables

Decimals Addition and Subtraction

Decimal Addition Worksheet

Decimal Adding Worksheet

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