Super Teacher Worksheets

R-Controlled Vowel Sound /är/, Spelled ar

These printables feature words with the r-controlled vowel sound /är/ spelled ar.  Words in this series include car, barn, star, scar, and farm.

R-Controlled Vowels: AR - Worksheets

/är/ Sound (as in Star)

Look at each picture and say the word. If the word has the /är/ vowel sound (like cart), then glue it on the left-hand side of the t-chart. If it does not have the /är/ sound, glue it on the right.
1st and 2nd Grades
Word Sort (Cut and Glue) Free Phonics R Controlled Vowels Worksheet
Common Core
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Students circle the /är/ words, such as farm, part, dark, and star. They will also practice spelling words based on hearing them.
1st and 2nd Grades
Circle the Word: /är/ Spelled ar Phonics R Controlled Vowels Worksheet
Use the /är/ words from the box to complete each sentence.  The word box includes farm, car, art, park, and shark.
1st Grade
Sentences: /är/ Words Phonics Words With Worksheet
Read about a family who gets in a car, goes too far, and follows a star.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Mini-Book: The Car that Went Too Far Minibooks Worksheet
Sort the words with bossy-r (ar) into two groups, depending on the number of syllables each word has.
1st Grade
Sorting: /är/ Words Free Phonics Words With Worksheet
Search for hidden /är/ words in the puzzle. The word box includes barn, cart, smart, start, mark and yarn.
1st Grade
Word Search: /är/ Words Phonics Words With Worksheet

Two Sounds of ar
/är/ and /âr/

Sort the word list into two columns. Column one has /är/ words: far, farm, mark, shark, smart, and yard. Column two has /âr/ words: care, pear, share, square, stare, and wear.
1st and 2nd Grades
T-chart Sorting: /är/ as in car & /âr/ as in bear Phonics R Controlled Vowels Worksheet
Color the words that have the /är/ sound (like car) blue. Color the words that have the /âr/ sound (like care) red. Use crayons, markers, highlighters, or ink dabbers for this activity.
1st and 2nd Grades
Dabber Circles: /är/ and /âr/ Phonics R Controlled Vowels Worksheet

Mixed R-Controlled Vowels

Choose the correct word pair to make a word. Choose from ar, er, ir, or, and ur.
2nd and 3rd Grades
R-Controlled Vowels ar, er, ir, or, ur Phonics Worksheet
See also:
More R-Controlled Vowel Sounds

Super Teacher has a huge selection of r-controlled vowel worksheets. This page will lead you to these phonics sounds: /är/ as in car, /ôr/ as in horn, /ûr/ as in bird, /âr/ as in hair, and /îr/ as in deer.

Spelling Unit: /är/ Words

This first grade spelling unit has a word list and over a dozen worksheets. Words include car, park, start, hard, and mark.

Phonics Worksheets

Here's a complete overview of our phonics worksheets.

Dolch Sight Words

Learn to read basic sight words quickly and accurately with these printables.

Sample Worksheet Images

Phonics Worksheets - AR Sounds

Phonics Worksheets - AR Sound

Phonics Worksheets - AR

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