Super Teacher Worksheets

Level A Spelling Lists- First Grade

A complete collection of basic spelling words specifically designed for 1st graders.  Includes spelling lists, ABC order activities, and word scrambles.

Printable Spelling Lists

List A-1

Level A Spelling:, List 1. Words with -an and -en; Words include: an, man, can.
1st Grade
List 1: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Common Core
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Cut, sort, and glue
1st Grade
List 1:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 1: Word Scramble Free Spelling Worksheet

List A-2

Level A Spelling:, List 2. Words with -in, -on, and -un; Words include: pin, on, fun
1st Grade
List 2: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 2:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 2: Word Scramble Free Spelling Worksheet

List A-3

Level A Spelling:, List 3. Words with -at and -it; Words include:  that, rat, sit
1st Grade
List 3: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 3:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 3: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-4

Level A Spelling:, List 4. Words with -et and -ot; Words include:  pet, get, got
1st Grade
List 4: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 4:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 4: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-5

Level A Spelling: List 5. Words with -ut and -ug; Words include: cut, hut, bug
1st Grade
List 5: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 5:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 5: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-6

Level A: Spelling Words: List 6.  Words with -ay; Words include: may, tray, lay
1st Grade
List 6: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 6:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 6: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-7

Level A Spelling: List 7. Words with -ag and -ig; Words include: bag, rag, digs
1st Grade
List 7: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 7:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 7: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-8

Level A Spelling: List 8. Words with -eg and -og; Words include: beg, jog, frog
1st Grade
List 8: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 8:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 8: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-9

Level A Spelling: List 9. Words with -ar, -er, and -ur; Words include: star, her, fur
1st Grade
List 9: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 9:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 9: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-10

Level A Spelling: List 10.  Words with -ap and -ip; Words include: nap, clap, lips
1st Grade
List 10: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 10:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 10: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-11

Level A Spelling: List 11. Words with --op and -up; Words include: hop, drop, cup
1st Grade
List 11: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 11:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 11: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-12

Level A Spelling: List 12. Words with th; Words include: them, math, path
1st Grade
List 12: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 12:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 12: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-13

Level A Spelling Words, List 13. Words with -am, -im, and -um; Words include:  ham, trim, drum
1st Grade
List 13: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 13:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 13: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-14

Level A Spelling: List 14. Words with -ad, -ed, and -id; Words include:  pad, glad, kids
1st Grade
List 14: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 14:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 14: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-15

Level A Spelling: List 15. Words with -all and -ell; Words include: tall, small, fell
1st Grade
List 15: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 15:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 15: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-16

Level A Spelling: List 16. Words with -ill and -ull; Words include: hill, drill, full
1st Grade
List 16: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 16:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 16: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-17

Level A Spelling: List 17. Words with the long a sound; Words include: made, gave, snake
1st Grade
List 17: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 17:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 17: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-18

Level A Spelling: List 18. Words with the long e sound; Words include: she, see, sleep
1st Grade
List 18: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 18:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 18: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-19

Level A Spelling, List 19. Words with the long i sound; Words include: cry, sky, shy
1st Grade
List 19: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 19:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 19: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-20

Level A Spelling: List 20. Words with the long o sound; Words include: go, row, slow
1st Grade
List 20: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 20:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 20: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-21

Write each word twice
1st Grade
List 21: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 21:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 21: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-22

Level A Spelling List 22. Words with -ing; Words include: sing, king, doing
1st Grade
List 22: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 22:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 22: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-23

Level A Spelling: List 23. Words with -aw; Words include: saw, paws, draw
1st Grade
List 23: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 23:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 23: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-24

Level A Spelling: List 24. Words with -ew; Words include: few, new, flew
1st Grade
List 24: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 24:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 24: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-25

Level A: Spelling List 25. Words with -ant and -ent; Words include: ant, pants, went
1st Grade
List 25: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 25:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 25: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-26

Level A Spelling: List 26.  Words with -ine and -ime; Words include: mine, nine, slime
1st Grade
List 26: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 26:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 26: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-27

Level A Spelling: List 27. Words with long e spelled ea; Words include: mean, heat, hear
1st Grade
List 27: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 27:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 27: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-28

Level A Spelling: List 28. Words with silent letters; Words include: walk, comb, lamb
1st Grade
List 28: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 28:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 28: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-29

Level A Spelling: List 29. Words with ov; Words include: dove, shove, over
1st Grade
List 29: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 29:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 29: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-30

Level A Spelling: List 30. Words with st and ss; Words include: stem, stand, pass
1st Grade
List 30: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
List 30:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
List 30: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-31

Level A Spelling: Numbers Theme List. Words include: one, two, three
1st Grade
Theme List - Numbers Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Theme List - Numbers: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Theme List - Numbers: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-32

Level A Words: School Words Theme List. School theme; Words include: desk, book, spell
1st Grade
Theme List - School Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Theme List - School: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Theme List - School: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

List A-33

Level A: Spelling Words: Colors Theme List. Words include: green, pink, brown
1st Grade
Theme List - Colors Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Theme List - Colors: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Theme List - Colors: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

List A: Halloween

Level A: Spelling Words, Holiday List: Halloween. Words include: bat, dark, spook
1st Grade
Holiday List - Halloween Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Halloween: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Halloween: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

List A: Christmas

Level A: Spelling Words, Holiday List: Christmas. Words include: snow, tree, elf
1st Grade
Holiday List - Christmas Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Christmas: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Christmas: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

List A: Easter

Level A Spelling Words, Holiday List: Easter. Words include: egg, bunny, hide
1st Grade
Holiday List - Easter Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Easter: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
1st Grade
Holiday List - Easter: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

Also on S.T.W. ...

2nd Grade Spelling (Level B)

Spelling lists and worksheets specially designed for second grade students.

3rd Grade Spelling (Level C)

Spelling lists and worksheets made for third grade students.

4th Grade Spelling (Level D)

Spelling worksheets and lists for fourth graders.

Sample Worksheet Images

First Grade Spelling List Words with Silent Letters Worksheet

First Grade Spelling List Words with th Cut, Sort, and Glue the Spelling Words in Alphabetical Order

First Grade Spelling List Word Scramble with -ar, -er, and -ur Words Worksheet

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