Cut, color, and staple together this mini-book. This book contains the words: pear, bear, and wear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
This printable has four activities to practice identifying, reading, and writing words that end with -ear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Color the -ear words in the ovals on the left side, then write the words on the primary-ruled lines that correspond to the pictures on the right side, and finally, color the illustrations on the bottom that are words ending with -ear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Use the words from this worksheet to make sentences with at least one "ear" ("-air") word. Practice your printing by writing your sentences on the lines provided.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Use the circles to write some -ear words. The images of tearing paper, a bear, and a pear will aid in helping students figure out the words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Think of how many words that end with -ear (with the 'air' sound) and write them on the primary-ruled lines of this worksheet.
1st Grade
Kids can use letter stampers and an ink pad to make these words: wear, pear, bear, and tear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
-ear ('air' sound)
Word Games
Use this printable to make a word spinner containing words that end with -ear. There are a few different games to play with it. Words included: pear, bear, wear, and tear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
-ear ('air' sound)
Slider, Flashcards, & Word Wheel
Print and cut out the cute bear-shaped word slider. Insert the strip through the slits on the belly of the bear and move the strip along to read each word. Pear, wear, tear, and bear are the 4 words included on this printable.(Click on the ALT button below for a color version.)
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
These printable flashcards are a great learning tool to practice reading words that end with -ear. Includes the words pear, tear, bear, wear, and others.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Make a word wheel with -ear ("air") words. This wheel has 4 words: bear, tear, wear, and pear.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
More Word Family UnitsDownload and print worksheets from a multitude of different word family units including: -ad, -am, -ap,
-aw, -eal, -eat, -eel, -end, -ere, -ime, -ing, -it, -oat, -ore, -ow, -ug, and -ut.