Super Teacher Worksheets

Challenges - What am I?

Your students will love these daily challenge activities.  You can post clues day-by-day, or use the entire passage at once.

Challenges - What Am I? - Worksheets

1st Grade

A1 - Flag  FREE 
Read the daily clues about the American Flag and have kids guess the mystery object.
1st Grade
A1 - Flag Free Challenges Worksheet
Common Core
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A2 - Popcorn  FREE 
Can your students figure out the mystery food with these clues?
1st Grade
A2 - Popcorn Free Challenges Worksheet
Who helps pets, farm, animals, and zoo animals?  Students use the daily clues to solve the mystery.
1st Grade
A3 - Vet Challenges Worksheet
It's a small food that you might find in your cereal.  Will your students be able to figure out the answer?
1st Grade
A4 - Raisin Challenges Worksheet
What type of building is a large, red house where animals live?  Challenge your students to figure out the answer.
1st Grade
A5 - Barn Challenges Worksheet
I am white or brown on the outside.  I am yellow and white on the inside.  You can fry me, bake me, or boil me.
1st Grade
A6 - Egg Challenges Worksheet
I am used to make pencils and paper.  Animals make their homes in me.  I give shade on hot, summer days.
2nd Grade
A7 - Tree Challenges Worksheet

2nd Grade

Read the article or daily clues to see if your students can determine the mystery place.
2nd Grade
B1 - White House Free Challenges Worksheet
Learn about watermelons this week, with these challenge clues.
2nd Grade
B2 - Watermelon Challenges Worksheet
Sand is the answer to this tricky challenge.
2nd Grade
B3 - Sand Challenges Worksheet
After reading these tricky clues, will students be able to guess the mystery place?
2nd Grade
B4 - Home Challenges Worksheet
Did you know how the marshmallow got its name?  I didn't before I read this.
2nd Grade
B5 - Marshmallow Challenges Worksheet
I am sometimes called a groundnut or a goober-pea.  I am used to make medicine, soap, paint, and kitty litter.
2nd Grade
B6 - Ants Challenges Worksheet
I am a black and white animal that can be found in North America.  I am the size of a house cat.  Don't make me mad or I'll let out a terrible odor.
3rd Grade
B7 - Skunk Challenges Worksheet

3rd Grade

Students try to determine the mystery food by reading the daily clues.
3rd Grade
C1 - Pizza Challenges Worksheet
What unusual African animal could these clues be describing?
3rd Grade
C2 - Aardvark Challenges Worksheet
Living creatures with 8 eyes?  What could these clues be describing?
3rd Grade
C3 - Spiders Challenges Worksheet
I am sometimes called a groundnut or a goober-pea.  I am used to make medicine, soap, paint, and kitty litter.
3rd Grade
C4 - Peanut Challenges Worksheet
We are birds, but we don't fly.  Most birds are afraid of people, but we are not.  We all live in the Southern Hemisphere.
3rd Grade
C5 - Penguin Challenges Worksheet
I am made from a bean. Long ago I was used to make a bitter drink.  Today I am found in candy, cake, and even ice cream.
3rd Grade
C6 - Chocolate Challenges Worksheet
I was one of the first animals to be tamed by humans.  I am smart and curious, which explains why I often escape from my pen.
3rd Grade
C7 - Goat Challenges Worksheet
I am an animal with black skin and a black tongue.  I mostly eat seals, but I can even eat some types of whales.  My fur is white and I live in Alaska, Greenland, and Canada.
3rd Grade
C8 - Polar Bear Challenges Worksheet

4th Grade

Students read the daily clues to guess the mystery animals.
4th Grade
D1 - Bats Challenges Worksheet
In this tricky challenge activity, students will learn many new facts abut cells.
4th Grade
D2 - Cell Challenges Worksheet
What flat-faced animal lives in trees and on the edges of cliffs? 
4th Grade
D3 - Owls Challenges Worksheet
Which man was the third president of the USA and writer of the Declaration of Independence?
4th Grade
D4 - Jefferson Challenges Worksheet
In the 1850s, I became a state.  Many people looked for gold here, which is why it is known as the "Golden State."
4th Grade
D5 - California Challenges Worksheet
Some people think I'm scary.  Others think I make a great pet.  People in Cambodia think I make a tasty snack.
4th Grade
D6 - Tarantula Challenges Worksheet
Scientists say that I am one of the smartest invertebrates.  If you put me in a tank, I may be able to figure out how to escape.
4th Grade
D7 - Octopus Challenges Worksheet

5th Grade

What famous Black agriculturalist was known as the 'Plant Doctor' and discovered 300 ways to use peanuts?
5th Grade
E1 - George Washington Carver Challenges Worksheet
People have been trying to get rid of me for a hundreds of years.  They once used crushed bone and oyster shells to do away with me.
5th Grade
E2 - Plaque Challenges Worksheet
I am a place.  It's summer here from November through February.  In the winter it's dark all the time.  In December and January it can be light for up to 20 hours a day.
5th Grade
E3 - Antarctica Challenges Worksheet
I served as Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson.  I am most famous for purchasing Alaska for the United States.
5th Grade
E4 - William Seward Challenges Worksheet
I worked as a goldsmith and silversmith.  Perhaps I could be called The Marvelous Messenger because I warned American colonists that British troops were planning to arrest them.
5th Grade
E5 - Paul Revere Challenges Worksheet

Blank Templates

Blank template for writing your own  ' What am I?' challenges.
Blank - \'What Am I?\' Challenges Worksheet
Blank template for writing your own  'What are we?' challenges.
Blank - \'What Are We?\' Challenges Worksheet
Blank template for writing your own 'Who am I?' challenges.
Blank - \'Who Am I?\' Challenges Worksheet
Blank template for writing your own 'Who are we?' challenges.
Blank - \'Who Are We?\' Challenges Worksheet

Also on Super Teacher Worksheets: 

Number Detective

These are similar to "What Am I?" challenges.  Can your students figure out the weekly secret number challenge?

Brain Teaser Worksheets

Brain baffler worksheets and puzzles for your students

Sample Worksheet Images

What Am I? - Challenge Worksheets

Riddle Worksheets - What Am I?

What Am I? Riddle Worksheets

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