Super Teacher Worksheets

Report Card Comments for Teachers: Reading, Writing, & ELA

Reading Comments
  1. __ is reading at a ___ grade level.
  2. __ has good reading comprehension and decoding skills.
  3. __ is reading well at this level.
  4. __ needs to learn basic sight words so she/he can decode words more quickly.
  5. __ struggles with reading comprehension.
  6. __ has difficulty understanding what he/she reads.
  7. I would like to see __ participate in more independent reading.
  8. __ needs to choose books that are at his/her own reading level.
  9. _ has read __ chapter books so far this year.
  10. I would like to see __ read for 15 minutes each night at home.
  11. __ needs to take his/her time and think about what he/she reads.
  12. __ is choosing books that are too difficult/simple for his/her level.
  13. It is refreshing to see that __ enjoys reading in his/her free time.
  14. __ needs to build his reading vocabulary.
  15. __ often has difficulty using reading strategies to decode new words.
Writing Comments
  1. __ is a creative writer.
  2. __'s writing has a refreshing sense of voice, clarity, and style.
  3. __ has a strong command of the English language.
  4. __'s stories lack a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  5. I would like to see __ check his/her own writing more carefully before handing assignments in.
  6. __ often forgets capital letters and punctuation.
  7. __'s writing is clear, organized, and interesting to read.
  8. __ organizes his/her writing well, but needs to add more details to his/her works.
  9. __'s writing is creative, but often has many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  10. __ enjoys writing in his/her free time. I always look forward to reading his/her stories.
  11. __ has difficulty getting his/her thoughts down on paper in a timely manner.
  12. __ puts a great deal of time and effort into his/her writing.
  13. __ did a wonderful job on his/her __ assignment.
  14. While __ is a creative writer, he/she needs to work on creating stories that are realistic.
  15. __ has difficulty focusing on the assignment at-hand during writers' workshop.
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