Super Teacher Worksheets

Level D Spelling Lists - Fourth Grade

The spelling lists, worksheets, and activities on this page were created for fourth graders.

Spelling Worksheets

List D-1

Level D: Spelling Words, List 1. Words with the short a and short e sounds; Words include: alligator, camera, every
4th Grade
List 1: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Common Core
Preview File
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Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 1:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 1: Cryptogram Puzzle Free Spelling Worksheet
Students create their own word search with this template.
4th Grade
List 1: Make a Word Search Free Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
4th Grade
List 1: Word Scramble Free Spelling Worksheet

List D-2

Level D: Spelling Words, List 2. Words with the short i, short o, and short u sounds; Words include: itself, jogging, buses
4th Grade
List 2: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 2:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 2: Cryptogram Puzzle Free Spelling Worksheet

List D-3

Level D: Spelling Words, List 3. Words with the long a sounds; Words include: newspaper, label, acorn
4th Grade
List 3: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 3:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Students create their own word search with this template.
4th Grade
List 3: Make a Word Search Spelling Worksheet

List D-4

Level D: Spelling Words, List 4. Words with long e sound; Words include cheater, piece, and deepest
4th Grade
List 4: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 4:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Fill in the missing letters.
4th Grade
List 4: Missing Letters Spelling Worksheet
Find the dollars and cents value of each word.
4th Grade
List 4: Money Words Spelling Worksheet

List D-5

Level D: Spelling Words, List 5. Words with the long i sound; Words include: item, polite, buying
4th Grade
List 5: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 5:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 5: Cryptogram Puzzle Spelling Worksheet

List D-6

Level D: Spelling Words, List 6. Words with long o and long u; Words include:  notice, moment, usually
4th Grade
List 6: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 6:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Students create their own word search with this template.
4th Grade
List 6: Make a Word Search Spelling Worksheet

List D-7

Level D: Spelling Words, List 7. Words with ow and ou; Words include:  house, crowded, following
4th Grade
List 7: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 7:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Find the words hidden in the word hunt puzzle.
4th Grade
List 7: Word Hunt Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble each of the spelling words.
4th Grade
List 7: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List D-8

Level D: Spelling Words, List 8. High-Frequency Word List: Family; Spelling words include:  grandma, cousin, niece
4th Grade
List 8: Word List  Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 8: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 8: Cryptogram Puzzle Spelling Worksheet

List D-9

Level D: Spelling Words, List 9. Words with the /oo/ sound; Words include: cartoon, smooth, cruel
4th Grade
List 9: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 9: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 9: Spell Check Spelling Worksheet

List D-10

Level D: Spelling Words, List 10. Words with silent consonants; Words include: kneel, would've, kitchen
4th Grade
List 10: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 10:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble each of the spelling words.
4th Grade
List 10: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List D-11

Level D: Spelling Words, List 11. Words with a silent e at the end; Words include: pledge, type, and create
4th Grade
List 11: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 11:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Find the words hidden in the word hunt puzzle.
4th Grade
List 11: Make a Word Hunt Spelling Worksheet

List D-12

Level D: Spelling Words, List 12. Words with double consonants; Words include: suppose, pillow, difference
4th Grade
List 12: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 12:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Tell which words are misspelled.
4th Grade
List 12: Spell Check Spelling Worksheet

List D-13

Level D: Spelling Words, List 13. High-frequency Word List; Numbers; Words include: thirty-two, hundred, eighth
4th Grade
List 13: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 13:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet

List D-14

Level D: Spelling Words, List 14. r-Controlled Vowels Word List; Words include: guitar, harmonica, darkness
4th Grade
List 14: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 14:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Decode the spelling words in this cryptogram puzzle.
4th Grade
List 14: Cryptogram Puzzle Spelling Worksheet

List D-15

Level D: Spelling Words, List 15. Letter Y as a Consonant and a Vowel; Words include: yellow, yield, bicycle
4th Grade
List 15: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 15:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet

List D-16

Level D: Spelling Words, List 16. Plural Nouns Word List:  Words include; glasses, heroes, potatoes
4th Grade
List 16: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 16:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Create your own word hunt with this template.
4th Grade
List 16: Make a Word Search Spelling Worksheet

List D-17

Level D: Spelling Words, List 17. Theme Word List: Occupations;  Words include: dentist, librarian, cashier
4th Grade
List 17: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 17:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Match the occupation with its description.
4th Grade
List 17: What's my job? Spelling Worksheet

List D-18

Level D: Spelling Words, List 18. Prefixes Word List; Words include: preview, misspell, impolite
4th Grade
List 18: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 18:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet

List D-19

Level D: Spelling Words, List 19. Suffixes -ful, -ous, -ness, and -ly; Words include: careful, dangerous, serious
4th Grade
List 19: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 19:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Find the words hidden in the word hunt puzzle.
4th Grade
List 19: Word Find Spelling Worksheet

List D-20

Level D: Spelling Words, List 20. Theme Word List:  The Sea; Words include: waves, oyster, treasure
4th Grade
List 20: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 20:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet

List D-21

Level D: Spelling Words, List 21. Words with Q and X; Words include: quickly, earthquake, extremely
4th Grade
List 21: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 21:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Students create their own word search with this template.
4th Grade
List 21: Make a Word Search Spelling Worksheet

List D-22

Level D: Spelling Words, List 22. Commonly Misspelled Words:  Numbers; Words include: accurate, basically, familiar
4th Grade
List 22: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 22:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
4th Grade
List 22: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List D-23

Level D: Spelling Words, List 23. Three-Syllable Words; Word List includes: telephone, hurricane, rectangle
4th Grade
List 23: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 23:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Find the spelling words in the word search puzzle.
4th Grade
List 23: Word Search Spelling Worksheet

List D-24

Level D: Spelling Words, List 24. Abbreviations and Proper Nouns: Words include: Mrs. Smith, Miss Jones, Miss Green
4th Grade
List 24: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
List 24:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet

More Spelling Lists & Activities

Level A: Spelling (Grade 1)

A complete set of spelling lists and activities for first grade students

Level B: Spelling (Grade 2)

A set of thirty spelling lists and worksheets for second grade students

Level C: Spelling (Grade 3)

A set of spelling lists for third grade students

Sample Worksheet Images

Spelling List Words with Short-a and Short-e Sounds Worksheet

Spelling List Words with the Long-i Sound Cryptogram Puzzle Worksheet

Spelling List Words Abbreviations and Proper Nouns Worksheet

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