Super Teacher Worksheets

Fan Mail: Page 7

Thank you, for having the most amazing web site I have found. I have been home schooling for about 2 years now. I would go from web site to web site, searching for every thing I needed to give my daughter the best education I can. I have been on your web site for the last 5 hours, I am not joking . Every thing you have there is just over whelming to me. So please don't ever remove the site, I have paid for sites and never was really happy with them. This is what I have been looking for all along. I have already called friends and family, to share this wonderful discovery with them.

Thank you again,


I'm a new teacher and am currently teaching (or at least trying to) English grammar to native Arabic speaking children in the Middle East. Your website has been absolutely invaluable to me and I use it every day. Thank you, as well as the other contributors, very much for all of your time and effort invested in this project.

Kind Regards,
Stephen, Sharjah, UAE


Great site. I love using your stuff and truly appreciate all of the very organized sheets and answer keys. Thanks.

4th Grade Teacher

Hi Tim,

Just to lend my voice in commending you for an awesome job in I teach literacy at PS58 in the Bronx New York and I find your website particularly useful for materials in follow-up activities. Thank you so much.



I just had to send you a compliment ( I am on precious planning time, but I still want to take a minute). Your website is excellent. My students love the worksheets- they're engaging and extremely helpful for test prep. A million thanks, and please- keep up the good work!!

Most Sincerely,
Sheridan, Oklahoma City, OK

I just wanted to say thank you so much for creating this website. My friends and I have used it a TON this year. The grammar goes along great with the concepts that we need to teach in 3rd grade.

Thanks again,
Cindy, 3rd Grade Teacher

Hi Tim,

I have been a frequent user of your website for quite a while now and I just wanted to say thank you for all the quality sheets you have made available. Your site is one of the first places I check when I am trying to help my children focus on their problem areas in school and very rarely do I come away disappointed. Thank you so much and I look forward to continuing being a frequent user for as long as I am tutoring! :)


I use your site, if not daily, definitely weekly. I notice that it is much faster than usual, though that may be my computer. Thanks for all the great worksheets--helps a busy SLP, with lots of language-impaired students.

Sincerely & God Bless you,

Hi, Tim.

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the great resources with answer keys. I love your site and have passed it onto numerous teachers!

Take care,
Susan, 4th Grade Teacher

I am a first year teacher and your website has made all the difference for me in terms of building resources and developing my lesson planning. I just wanted to thank-you and let you know how much I appreciate your website.

Strathmore, Alabama

Dear Tim,

First of all, let me say a huge "thank you"! Your website is fab-u-lous! I have recently had to homeschool my child and augment my other child's lessons because she needed extra support in certain areas. I came across your website and I was so thankful! The worksheets have been so great and really do give the children the extra practice they need! ... Again, bravo! I love, love, LOVE, your site! It's been such a huge help to me! I can't thank you enough! I recommend it to all of my homeschooling and non-homeschooling friends!


Hi Tim.

I just want to say what a great site you have. I live in New Zealand and I have just started homeschooling my eight year old daughter. I discovered your website by chance and find the worksheets exactly what I was looking for to help support my lessons. Thank you very much for providing this service for free.


Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful website. I love everything on there and it is great for my kids to use during summer.


Hi Tim,

My colleagues and I love your site! Thank you so much for all the well laid out worksheets. Thank you!!!! I used some of your worksheets for student homework to enable them to pass their Cambridge International Progression tests this week.

We really appreciate not having to make all the worksheets up ourselves, I could spend hours on your site but I must go and complete my planning.

Kind regards,
God Bless, Carol

Dear Sir: I'm a homeschooling parent with a Third Grader struggling with the difference between adjectives and adverbs. I did a google search for some worksheets and came across your site. I LOVE your worksheets. I couldn't believe I actually found worksheets with both adjectives AND adverbs in the same exercise! I just wanted you to know I think you've got a great site!


I love your website! Thank you for the free fabulous tools to use. I have shared it with my teacher friends and they love it too! You saved us a lot of time!

Thanks again,

Hi Tim,

I just discovered your website, and it's proving very valuable to supplement my math units/program. I also really like the nice, clean format of the worksheets--unlike other free printables out there! Thanks for the work you're doing to help us teachers (and kids)!


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